Release notes Skedify 2021-Q3

Product update: 02 November 2021

Product: Skedify Core

Dear Customer,

As you know Skedify is continuously improving its product and adding new features to even serve you and your customers better moving forward.

Below you will find an overview of our 2021-Q3 release and the impact this might have on your business.

Our Customer Success Managers are at your disposal should you have any questions or if you would like to discuss the opportunities this might offer for your business. To book a meeting use this link.


Team Skedify



Listings come into play when your typical appointment subjects (e.g the type of conversations your agents are having with your customers) and the scheduling rules accompanying those, actually differ from case to case depending on a specific item in a list (e.g. list of job postings, list of properties, list of projects, …)

A listing will force the Skedify plugin and Partner Booking Application to handle an extra set of rules on top of the subject planning rules. The possible extra rules are to limit to a certain number of subjects/agents/offices/meeting types for a listing.

With this release of Listings, the following possibilities are added to this powerful feature

  • Only allow specific time-slots/appointment hours for a listing.
  • Make specific agents bookable and exclusively available for a specific listing.
  • If the location is configured for a specific listing that happens via the on-location channel, then this location will be used as the address for the appointment.
  • Synchronise listings with your calendar system (Outlook, Google).

Listings is a feature that is available in the Amplify and Magnify packages and needs to be activated by Skedify.

You can find more information here.


Agent prioritisation is a feature that allows you to prioritise agents when multiple agents are available. 

This comes into play in the following use cases:

  • When multiple agents with different costs are available (typically internal agents vs. external consultants), you want to offer internal agents first and only external consultants when internally nobody is available.
  • When you know you need customers to make an appointment as soon as possible, you want to offer appointments slots as soon as possible to increase your conversion and to offer a better customer experience
  • When agents with multiple expertise levels are available, agents can be ranked from 1 to 3 and offered in that order. Per subject you can define which expertise levels are offered.
  • When only one expert has availability, you can offer non-experts to open up availability.

Agent prioritisation is a feature that is available in the Amplify and Magnify packages and needs to be activated by Skedify.

You can find more information here.


  • Renewed administration & office manager user interfaces.
  • Customer fields order customization.
  • General performance improvements. (Our ref. SKED-8264)


  • ​Incorrect appointment state after customer proposes a time slot in response to an invite from an agent.

Not transitioning the appointment could give the agent the wrong impression that the next action lies with the customer. It would also result in an incorrect webhook event being sent when the agent accepts the proposed time slot (DateCreatedByContact instead of AcceptedByContact), possibly resulting in an incorrect state for integrating systems that respond to these events. (Our ref. SKED-7586)

  • Incorrect webhook event sent after customer chooses a time slot with an auto-accept configuration, in response to an invite from an agent.

Incorrectly sending the DateCreatedByContact webhook event could result in an incorrect state for integrating systems that respond to these events. (Our ref. SKED-8051)

  • Incorrect webhook event sent when agent requests a rescheduling for an accepted appointment.
  • Mandatory question field in the plugin does not recognize input.
  • Impossible to change the earliest time slot field for a subject to 0 days without changing the latest time slot field as well.


  • Customer email address attribute will always return either a valid email address or null, instead of a valid email address or an empty string.

    When: Breaking change as from 2021-Q4 release (planned Jan 2021 - subject to change)

    Impact: Might impact all Skedify customers using webhooks and/or the Skedify API

    Detailed description:

  • If you are not sure if this applies to your current Skedify setup or integration please double-check with your IT department or integration partner.
  • Verify if your integrations are compatible with the customer email address attribute value being ‘null’ when it is returned from the Skedify API and webhooks.

As mentioned above, our Customer Success Managers are at your disposal should you have any questions or would like to discuss the opportunities this might offer for your business. To book a meeting use this link.